As Mike McBride recently reported, M365 Purview(Premium) is rolling out a new aggregate report for legal hold locations. It finally arrived at my testing tenant. Unfortunately, it did not restore hold item counts, which I and my corporate clients have been requesting since they vanished from the Compliance Center. So what does the new report show and how can you leverage it?
The report aggregates all your individual holds from across your Premium and Standard matters. It lists the case, hold name (important for PShell queries), location and policy status (application success/fail) by default. I recommend adding columns for ‘Policy created by’ and Rule ID to the view. You can download the filtered report as a record of status or extract hold information to run PShell scripts (using Rule ID).
A key value is the ability to search for specific locations to see all holds in effect (i.e. what other cases may have prior collections). The Purview team confirmed that there is still no easy way to determine this from an individual item within M365, but now you can see other holds by location.
The ability to filter by location type, status, location and created by columns has the potential to generate reports via Power Automate. Potentially an easy way to get an email with all holds with errors, new holds by specific users and more. I have not confirmed Power Automate on this Purview eDiscovery(Premium) functionality, so let me know if I can take that off my backlog. All we need now are the actual hold statistics for QC and overall tracking of potential tenant impact. I am sure that the Purview team will let me know if there is a solution, I just missed a new feature or they have added it to the roadmap.
Greg Buckles wants your feedback, questions or project inquiries at Book a free 15 minute ‘Good Karma’ call if he has availability. He solves problems and creates eDiscovery solutions for enterprise and law firm clients.
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