Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2013-02-08 10:03:19  The entire team at the eDJ Group did a fantastic job covering this year’s LTNY this past week. I agree with Greg’s post that this was the best LTNY I’ve attended in quite a few years in terms of energy and positive vibes.  I really enjoyed walking the show floor this time around because I was able to see where many of my colleagues and eDiscovery friends have landed after the very difficult past four years.I had an interesting conversation with a recruiter friend of mine on how much I enjoyed this year’s show, and mentioned that it’s wonderful to see business booming now that the economy is recovering.  I said that this must be really good for the recruiting business…and to my surprise he said that he’s actually concerned about the outlook for people’s careers in the future.Needless to say that got my attention fast and I pressed for further information.  He said that with all of the consolidations occurring (and that will be occurring in the future) there won’t be enough jobs to support all the people that are laid off in the next few years.Now there is no evidence proving this point yet, so I hope everyone doesn’t start panicking.  However, this does fit into a couple of other trends we’ve been tracking anecdotally the past year.  I spend a great deal of my time talking to people in the industry from law firms, corporations, independents, and providers, so I do hear a great deal about peoples careers and where they are moving.Barry has been tracking a trend that the service providers are going to take the lead in utilizing Technology Assisted Review (TAR) applications since they are the ones utilizing it on a regular basis and there will be a race to build human resource expertise.  Lately, I’ve also been tracking a trend of folks leaving law firms to work for service providers utilizing their project management and technical skills.This is something to keep an eye on in the future and I will keep my ear to the ground to see if there are some metrics we can capture in the next few months to fully track this trend.I wanted to also thank everyone for attending the eDJ-Todays General Counsel Happy Hour at Faces & Names.  We had over 250 people show up to network and hang out after the first long day of the show.  It was a huge success and is a testament to the hard work of Marilyn Gladden, our Director of Media Services.  She truly knows how to put on a great event.Speaking of which, just wait until you see the great eDJ Bootcamps we’ve been developing these past few months.  The Bootcamps  will be invite-only half-day programs facilitated by the eDJ Analyst team covering in detail, several different topics including:  Predictive Coding/Technology Assisted Review (facilitated by Barry Murphy and our adjunct analyst, Karl Schieneman); Mobile Forensics (facilitated by Greg Buckles); Legal Holds (facilitated by Mikki Tomlinson) and Selecting eDiscovery Service Providers and Technology (facilitated  by Babs Deacon and yours truly, Jason Velasco).  Keep an eye out for more information on the eDJ Bootcamps that will be visiting a city near you.One last comment…this is the first time at a LTNY I wasn’t able to get my favorite street vendor’s rice and lamb dish across from the Hilton.  Sigh…will have to get to NYC again soon.eDJ Group CEO and eDiscoveryJournal Contributor, Jason Velasco

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