Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-11-21 16:22:54  It’s hard to believe the year is almost over.  We at the eDJ Group are very thankful for the wonderful year to date and look forward to an amazing 2013. We have truly built an eDiscovery Dream Team at eDJ and I couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve accomplished during our first full year.The eDJ Group came together last year with a plan to revolutionize the way analysts approach this complex eDiscovery marketplace.  We have spent the year messaging our transition from simply being just the “eDiscoveryJournal” to a full-fledged analyst firm generating some amazing content.  The team has been hard at work this past week putting together the Q4-2012 market summary which is going to include eDiscovery service providers along with the technology providers for the first time.  Stay tuned for more on that report in the first week of December and a list of the other research coming out in 2013.  Barry has done an excellent job putting together an impressive research agenda for 2013 as well as onboarding new analyst clients. We are thankful for the wonderful additions we’ve made to the team this year.  Marilyn Gladden, the eDJ Group Director of Media Services, came onboard this summer to run the eDiscoveryJournal and to implement our event strategy.  Marilyn has done an excellent job of putting together a series of specialized boot-camps (with CLE) in 2013 that will be held throughout the country while simultaneously managing our relationships with other event partners.  For those that have worked with Marilyn in the past, you know how thankful we are to have her on the eDJ Group team.  We also added my former colleague Lynn Carpenter to team to manage our back-office work and help Marilyn launch the boot-camp program.Babs Deacon decided to join our Strategic Consulting team this fall.  Babs is working with Mikki Tomlinson and Greg on some great projects helping corporations and law firms with eDiscovery workflow and RFPs.  Babs will be helping me cover the service provider market as we put together a series of research papers describing, evaluating, and differentiating service providers in the current environment.I personally am thankful to Greg Buckles for working very hard on putting together the eDiscoveryMatrix, our analyst tool and comparator for the eDiscovery industry.  It is a difficult task trying to find ways to help categorize the complex solutions in this market.  eDiscoveryMatrix will help end-users quickly find the right solutions in a huge sea of options.  More importantly, it will also contain eDJ Analysts’ perspectives on the offerings in the market and will further differentiate some of the seemingly similar offerings that exist. And MOST importantly, we are thankful for our clients, sponsors, and friends for supporting our activities this year.  We continue to strive to provide unbiased and helpful information to help the market and we can’t do our work without your support.  That includes our eDiscoveryJournal readers, our eDJ Peer Group members, analyst clients, and consulting clients. Keep an eye out for our LTNY Happy Hour announcement coming soon!!!We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving.The eDJ Group Team: Greg Buckles Barry MurphyJason Velasco Marilyn GladdenBabs DeaconLynn Carpenter

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