Purview eDiscovery Overview

Purview eDiscovery Integration API

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 634 views Contributors Greg Buckles

Purview eDiscovery partner enabled functionality:

eDiscovery professionals who need to access, process and export ESI from Microsoft 365 from their favorite eDiscovery platform should understand the capabilities and limitations of the Graph eDiscovery API used by authorized third-party applications to connect to Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium). This API integration or custom internal PowerShell driven applications can perform tasks such as creating cases, custodians, holds, searches, and exports. This allows customers to leverage Microsoft Purview’s functionality via your preferred eDiscovery software and workflows. The chart below presents the core eDiscovery API functions. The eDiscovery API is currently in beta and is evolving rapidly. Please comment (registered users) or use the feedback form with changes, real world experience or other information that can be added to this topic.

Features supported by the eDiscovery API:

Function Cmdlet Description
Case Management microsoft.graph.ediscovery.case  Create and manage cases, including custodians, holds, searches, review sets, and exports[1].
Custodian Management microsoft.graph.ediscovery.custodian  Identify and preserve data custodians and sources within your environment[1].
Legal Hold microsoft.graph.ediscovery.legalHold  Preserve content for litigation and legal purposes, distinct from retention holds[1].
Review Set microsoft.graph.ediscovery.reviewSet  Collect electronically stored information (ESI) for use in litigation, investigation, or regulatory requests[1].
Review Set Query microsoft.graph.ediscovery.reviewSetQuery  Discover, cull, review, and tag ESI for production to requestors or opposing counsel[1].
Source Collection microsoft.graph.ediscovery.sourceCollection  Also known as searches, collect data from Microsoft 365 services for addition to a review set[1].
Tag Management microsoft.graph.security.ediscoveryReviewTag Manage the tags for marking documents in eDiscovery Premium review sets. Create, list and delete tags hierarchies.[4a]
Automation and Integration  Automate repetitive tasks and integrate with existing eDiscovery tools to build repeatable workflows[2].
Microsoft Graph Connectors  Integrate third-party applications into Microsoft 365 environments, making content available for eDiscovery workflows[3][4].

[1]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/ediscovery-ediscoveryapioverview?view=graph-rest-beta

[2]: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/microsoft365dev/ediscovery-api-for-microsoft-graph-is-now-generally-available/

[3]: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/support-modern-collaboration-and-improve-workflows-with/ba-p/3650287

[4]: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/the-next-era-of-ediscovery-embracing-advanced-capabilities-for-a/ba-p/3980511

[4a]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/ediscovery-tag?view=graph-rest-beta

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