Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2013-04-04 11:09:59  Sometimes I feel truly blessed to be working with an amazing team of people at the eDiscoveryJournal.  Over the past year, many people told me that they wanted a new a new type of educational experience as compared to the big box events with the standard talking heads.  From this feedback, the eDJ team came up with the concept of doing a half-day boot camp series that focuses on the tactical aspects of a specific topic. During these events the attendees from corporations and law firms would be in the trenches with experienced professionals getting pragmatic advice (plus you get CLE credits).We held our first bootcamp on April 2 (Happy Birthday, Dad) in Los Angeles where eDJ Analyst Greg Buckles led on the topic of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Mobile Forensics.  The feedback from the event was extremely positive. The entire audience stayed for the whole program, and upon leaving commented that it had exceeded their expectations and that they had learned completely new and valuable information.We will continue the bootcamp program this month in Houston (on April 16) and Dallas (on April 18). eDJ Group’s Mikki Tomlinson will be covering the tactical aspects of Legal Hold. We have some great attendees and facilitators from multiple industries including oil and gas.   This goes in conjunction with the research Mikki has put together in her latest report, “Bring Legal Holds to Life”. She is truly one of the top experts on legal holds and her insight will be invaluable to the bootcamp attendees.  You can register by clicking on the selected city above.I’m also very excited about the Predictive Coding boot camp we are hosting in Washington, DC on April 17. Talk about a superstar lineup…we have eDJ’s Barry Murphy and eDJ Adjunct Analyst Karl Schieneman leading what I think it the most in-depth, hands-on discussion on predictive coding in the industry.  Also joining Karl in Washington, DC are Tom Gricks (Schnader Harrison), Graham Rollins (Morgan Lewis), Bill Butterfield (Hausfield) for sessions on “Lifting the Covers Off Predictive Coding” and “Validating Predictive Coding.”  In addition, there will be a judicial panel with Judge Facciola, Judge Waxse, and Judge Fischer.  This is a “must attend” event for anyone interested in learning more about predictive coding while also getting practical training.  Law firm and corporate can register here.  We’ll also be doing a similar predictive coding boot camp in Chicago on (April 24), Philadelphia (April 30), Pittsburgh (May 6) and Boston (May 14).In the midst of putting all these exciting educational programs together, the eDJ team grew a little stronger with the hiring of Guy Robinson as the Director of Technology.  Guy has been working on developing and designing the eDiscoveryMatrix this past year and will now be responsible for all of technical assets of eDJ.   He will be working on the redesign of the eDiscoveryJournal with Marilyn Gladden where we’ll have some exciting changes in the coming months.  In his spare time, Guy does blacksmithing, metal sculptures, and welding, so we hope to see some of his artistic ability in future posts.The entire eDJ team wants to thank all of our readers and supporters for all their feedback on how best to cover the complex eDiscovery and litigation technology market.  Our goal is to provide the best information available for the consumers and providers in our industry to help evolve the constantly changing market.  Your feedback is always welcome and you can always email me directly with your thoughts and ideas.eDiscoveryJournal CEO and Contributor, Jason VelascoDon’t miss Jason Velasco’s upcoming Selecting eDiscovery Technology & Service Solutions Boot Camps in New York and Austin. To learn more, click here!

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