Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-11-07 09:05:20  eDiscovery events are evolving and I have a personal interest tracking how these programs are adapting to the requirements of both the attendees and sponsors.  As the eDJ Group was exploring options in the European marketplace, I was introduced to Frederick Gyebi-Ababio who is with the LawTech Europe Congress being held on November 12, 2012 in Prague.   I spoke with Frederick last week to discuss his program and how it differentiates from other programs.Jason Velasco (JV):  Frederick, thank you for speaking with me today.  It sounds like an exciting program that you’re putting together.  This is the first LawTech Europe Congress…how did this program come about?Frederick Gyebi-Ababio (FGA): This program has been developing over the past three years.  I’ve worked with many of the Big Four consulting companies and there has been an overall cry over the lack of education and business development opportunities in Central Europe.  I saw this as an opportunity to bring European thought leaders, providers, and those seeking to learn more about eDiscovery into a single setting.JV:  Tell me about some of the highlights of the LawTech Europe Congress?FGA:  We start the program with two keynote speakers, Richard Susskind, the well-known author and advisor to law firms, corporations, and national governments, and Pavel Zeman, the Supreme Public Prosecutor for the Czech Republic.  The program is then broken down into the three tracks: electronic disclosure (or eDiscovery for the US readers), Computer Forensics, and Legal Technologies.  This will provide the delegates with a wide range of educational programs to fit their various needs.  We are very excited about Charles Christian leading the Legal Technology track to share his insight on how corporate legal departments and law firms in Europe will need to transition to deal with the advancing technology in the legal industry.JV:  This is a first time program so I’m curious to know how many delegates you’re expecting to attend.FGA:  We are expecting about 600 delegates to attend the program.  We also have pulled together a great group of sponsors including Zylab, Deloitte, Recommind, AccessData, and about twenty others to help showcase the different technology and services available to the Central European market.  I’m not surprised by the number of registrants or sponsors for the program.  There is a hunger for eDiscovery and computer forensic knowledge in central Europe.JV:  Are there any discussions or panels you are looking forward to watching?FGA: We have some great moderators throughout the day like Chris Dale, Browning Marean, and George Rudoy. I’m sure they will do a great job with the panel to provide excellent content to the delegates.JV:  This sounds like it will be an exciting event and I look forward to hearing how it all unfolds for you.  Good luck and I wish the best success.  One last question…why Prague?FGA:  Prague is an absolutely beautiful city and is right in the heart of Europe.  Most eDiscovery events are held in the UK, so this will be an opportunity to bring a whole new audience to the issues and trends.  Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.eDiscoveryJournal Contributor and eDJ Group, CEO – Jason Velasco 

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