Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-10-02 13:22:19  I am personally honored to announce that my friend and eDiscovery industry stalwart, Babs Deacon, has joined the eDJ Group team as Director in the Strategic Consulting Group this week.  Babs and I first got to know each other many, many moons ago in a diner in NYC over breakfast when we started putting together the content for the EDRM project right after the release of the iconic model.  We ended up talking for hours and I was immediately impressed with her depth of knowledge.   Babs and I continued to work together as co-leads of the EDRM Evergreen project for many years afterwards.Babs has built a solid career working with law firms, consulting companies, and solution providers for many years while at the same time being committed to educating the industry through CLE’s, webinars, articles, and speaking engagements.  She has worked on some very complex projects including the 9/11 WTC Project for the Law Department of the City of New York.Babs will be working with Mikki Tomlinson (who was recently promoted to Managing Director) and Greg Buckles. Together they will  provide corporate and law firm clients with their “in the trenches” expertise in the areas of eDiscovery process development, legal hold projects, 30(b)6 witness support, information governance plans, and other strategic initiatives.Things have been very busy at the eDJ Group these past few weeks.  Greg and Barry have been deep in preparing for the beta launch of the eDiscoveryMatrix this week.  Many have used the eDiscoveryJournal TechMatrix, which was created by Greg, to track the features of the various eDiscovery technology providers.  The eDiscoveryMatrix will now be a stand-alone site that will track the features and offerings of both eDiscovery technology and service providers.  We are currently baking in some cool functionality that will enable crowd-sourcing techniques (e.g. Consumer Reports with a touch of Yelp) in a moderated format to ensure the authenticity of the comments.  The eDiscoveryMatrix will also now become home to all of the eDJ Group research reports and Barry is gearing up for some heavy research and writing over the next few months.With this launch, we will be introducing a whole new approach to our analyst and research services.  At the core, the eDJ Group is a “working analyst” firm.  A “working analyst” firm covers an industry with both strategic and tactical research that can only be gained by practical experience from collective backgrounds at corporations, law firms, and service/technology providers.  Barry has a post later this week that will take a deeper dive on the role of an analyst in the eDiscovery market and will also give further information with more on how the eDiscoveryMatrix will work.  We will be writing more in future posts about this approach and the evolution of the eDiscoveryMatrix.As part of our new approach covering the very complex eDiscovery market, the eDiscoveryJournal is expanding its coverage by adding more contributors and more dynamic content in addition to the colorful commentary by the eDJ Group analysts.  The “Journal” will remain a free resource under the expert guidance of Marilyn Gladden, who joined the eDJ Group team in August.  We have a series of articles in the works covering a wide array of topics such as social media & eDiscovery, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), and Technology Assisted Review (TAR).2012 has been an exciting year for the eDJ Group and we are very appreciative to all our clients, readers, contributors, and followers as we expand for 2013.  We have some exciting things in the works for LTNY this year (happy hour anyone?) and for ILTA next year.  Keep an eye on further updates as we end the 2012 year and head for the most thrilling phase in our company’s growth to date.eDiscoveryJournal Contributor & eDJ Group CEO – Jason Velasco

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