Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2012-02-27 09:00:12  Our LegalTech briefing schedule was pretty hectic and I did not want to drag you through all minutia and marketing messages (BIGGER-FASTER-EASIER).  So I will try to make this easy to scan and only dive into details when there is real differentiated value.C2C – Continues to make large customer sales in the regulated markets with their PST discovery/collection/elimination functionality. The recent release has an automated method for assigning custodianship of loose PST files, which is definitely a pain point on every PST elimination engagement that we have ever tackled.Airwatch –  Offers enterprise management of mobile devices including inventory, GPS tracking and remote wipe capabilities on a Saas or on-premise basis. Unfortunately, they have not yet tackled the ability to either synchronize or block unique ESI on those devices, a capability that would effectively prevent them from being a discovery target in civil litigation.Kroll Ontrack – Many of us have watched Kroll since it’s acquisition by Altegrity in 2010 to see how the new corporate owner would influence this venerable forensic institution. Jan. 5, 2012, Dean Hager (strong software background) was appointed as president and CEO, which leads us to believe that Kroll’s software offerings will be prioritized. With new resources and a software executive at the helm, it was no surprise that Kroll is pushing their new Verve DIY SaaS eDiscovery Platform with subscription and per matter licensing options. We feel that the lack of current desktop review options provides a strong opportunity for SaaS ECA/Review offerings to the SMB and small firm markets. Kroll’s strong professional services divisions enable an easy upsell to managed services for an immature customer whose matter quickly grows out of their comfort zone.Xerox Litigation Services (XLS) – I always enjoy providers who are not selling “blue sky” solutions. The XLS team apparently enjoyed my first day LTNY blog, stating that “eDiscovery Made Easy” is an oxymoron.  XLS has focused on long term, large scale matters that require and justify more sophisticated technology and management. Despite offering their own review platform (OmniX) and automated review (CategoriX), XLS asserted that the key is to know the strengths and weaknesses of all the available analytic technologies and assisted review methodologies so that you can provide an optimized solution to the unique matter requirements. It is rare to find a provider who does not believe that their branded solution is the only or best solution for every situation. Like our briefing with FTI, XLS seems to be firmly on the managed services and managed review path. Interesting to see how these global service companies approach the eDiscovery technology market.Symantec/Clearwell – This was our first combined briefing since Symantec acquired Clearwell last July. We had a lot of tough questions for the teams and were pleased to hear how these market leaders are tackling the real challenges around integration of technologies, sales, marketing, services and channel partners. The next major version of Clearwell should provide Enterprise Vault (EV) customers an advanced option to the venerable Discovery Accelerator product for direct search of the EV archives. Bi-directional application and management of legal holds within EV is further down the roadmap, but the Clearwell development team has a good track record for rapid dev cycles. Recent calls to traditional Symantec system integrator channel partners such as GlobaNet revealed multiple Clearwell certified consultants ready to support combined EV-Clearwell-LiveOffice implementations. That is a good sign that Symantec’s channel partners are engaged with these merging information governance-eDiscovery product lines. We look forward to seeing how Clearwell’s huge eDiscovery channel partners transition from volume based hosting sales to selling enterprise licenses and managed services.Guidance – The v4.4 release tackles yet more cloud based sources including POP3/IMAP freemail services such as Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, HotMail and expanded support for more than 30 leading archives/content management systems. The built-in OCR processing helps broaden their platform coverage. We look forward to seeing how Guidance addresses the complex chain of custody and context preservation issues with these cloud sources in upcoming demo sessions. They already have engineered cross-collection reuse of ESI to reduce the effort and storage of overlapping matters.  This was an early differentiator feature of CaseCentral, acquired by Guidance just after LTNY 2012. Overall, they seem to be chasing that mythical portal/data map that gives legal a unified view of all data sources, organizational units and individuals. With EnCase eDiscovery behind the corporate firewall and CaseCentral providing the cloud-based, hosted review and managed service support, Guidance is expanding their offering value.

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