Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-02-13 18:06:26  The eDiscoveryJournal has been growing in both readership and content over the past few months (thank you to all of our wonderful readers).  Our goal is to provide as much possible insight on the issues and trends related to the eDiscovery and Information Governance spaces.  In order to expand that insight, we have three more independent contributors to the eDiscoveryJournal family that I’m proud to announce.Chuck Rothman is the Director of eDiscovery Services at Wortzman Nickle in Toronto where he provides technical oriented advice related to litigation and records management, with a premium on identifying risks and solutions related to the storage and retrieval of electronic information.  Chuck is a recognized expert in both electronic discovery and computer forensics in Canada and the U.S., and a frequent lecturer at Canadian e-discovery conferences. He has authored numerous articles, co-authored “Electronic Discovery in Canada: Best Practices and Guidelines“, and wrote a chapter on cost containment in the upcoming 2nd edition of E-Discovery in Canada. Steve Markey is the principal of nControl, a consulting firm based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. He is also an adjunct professor and the current president of the Delaware Valley (Greater Philadelphia) chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). Markey holds multiple certifications and degrees, and has more than 11 years of experience in the technology sector. He frequently presents on information security, information privacy, cloud computing, project management, e-discovery and information governance. Sarah Hankins has over five years experience in eDiscovery, dealing with pricing models, revenue recognition, and billing processes. In addition to working in litigation support, she has worked in accounting for small and large businesses, specializing in improving processes and capturing revenue.  Sarah and I worked together in the Merrill Lextranet days and I know her revenue models to be very impressive.  Sarah will be doing a monthly piece on the eDiscoveryJournal related to pricing and billing in our industry. Please give our new contributors a warm welcome and I look forward to everyone putting up great comments on their articles.Jason Velasco

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