Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2011-11-22 19:34:54  Happy Thanksgiving!! As we approach the eve of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment to give a heartfelt “Thank You” to all of the loyal blog readers and clients. With your continued support, we continue to grow and implement our unique business model. There is so much to be thankful for these days here at the eDiscoveryJournal and eDJ Group.  Over the past few months we have been carefully planning our next steps.  I wanted to give everyone an update on our direction and how we’ve moved beyond a niche blog site.A few weeks ago we announced the creation of the eDJ Group, Inc.   Now headquartered in Austin, Tx, the eDJ Group is now the main business entity for our organization which all of our products and services roll-up.  The eDJ Group is made up of several practice areas: 1) Strategic Consulting, 2) Analyst Services, 3) the eDiscoveryJournal, and 4) eDJ Matrix.eDJ Strategic Consulting Practice:   Greg Buckles has rolled his consulting practice into the eDJ Group to do strategic consulting, such as litigation readiness planning, data maps, solution evaluations, and application testing/analysis.   Our first action was to bring aboard an eDiscovery guru, Mikki Tomlinson, to provide her experience and insight to our clients.  Mikki and Greg are already working on some interesting and challenging projects, and we are expecting many more in the near future.eDJ Analyst Services:Barry Murphy is focusing on building the Analyst practice based on his many years of experience in tracking the eDiscovery and Information Governance industry.  Barry’s practice consists of doing strategy sessions and advisory days with technology and service providers as well as corporations.  This includes doing product roadmaps, participating on webinars, evaluating licensing & pricing strategies, doing validation/usability testing,  analyzing products & services, investor relationships, and providing analyst inquiries.  Barry will continue generating thought-provoking reports and content, such as his Defining Information Governance report and ongoing “eDiscovery and The Cloud” research.  The eDJ Group has some excellent Analyst packages for 2012, so please inquire directly with Barry.eDiscoveryJournal: First off, thank you to our old and new readers for continuing to visit the eDiscoveryJournal site.  Thank you also to our sponsors for allowing us to maintain an independent perspective on the eDiscovery and Information Governance industry.  The eDiscoveryJournal remains as our flagship informational service covering the eDiscovery and Information Governance community.  We are constantly evaluating how to best provide our readers with trends and news that affect the community.  Earlier this morning, we announced the formation of the eDJ Peer Group for Corporate and Law Firm practitioners.   We created the eDJ Peer Group to provide the folks in the trenches  with a forum to openly discuss issues, solutions, and trends in a safe and anonymous environment (for more information or to apply, please click here).   The eDJ team will also begin hosting informational webinars approximately every three (3) weeks on topics raised by our readers.eDJ Matrix:  Greg put together the eDJ Matrix, to keep track of the various features and functionality of the products he evaluated as part of his consulting practice.  The eDJ Matrix continues to be an excellent and unbiased resource for people to gain an understanding of what the tools in the marketplace can and cannot do.  For the tools that have been thoroughly vetted by eDJ team, we have placed a designation by the listing that it has been independently “eDJ Reviewed” assure users that the listed features are accurate and up to date.  If you are interested in having the eDJ team do a full de-briefing to receive the “eDJ Reviewed” listing, please email me directly. The eDJ Matrix is currently going through a major re-design that will be formally announced this year at LegalTech-NY.Speaking of LegalTech-NY…the eDJ Team is planning some great activities for our readers and clients including the first big Happy Hour of LegalTech.  Please join us from 5pm EST to 7pm EST on January 30, 2012 at the Hilton Bridges Bar (right at the elevators) for complimentary appetizers, drinks, and prizes.  This is an open invite event, but we will be limited to about 200 people so please RSVP by visiting here.  It will be a great event to hang with old friends and make new friends… and we made sure it was the same day as the awesome bDiscovery party hosted by Dan Regard and Julie Brecher so it should be an evening to remember.  We are wrapping up sponsorships for the event through December and have a couple of spots left if any of you are interested.  Please email me directly if you have any questions about the event or sponsorship opportunities.There are few other great things developing at eDJ that I would love to share, but I’ll save that for future entry.  Thank you for taking the time to get caught up with our company.  I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.  We would love your feedback, so please feel free to comment below or email me directly.Jason Velasco

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