Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2010-11-09 09:00:11  While reviewing the hundreds of new blogs and stories found by the eDJ search engine over the weekend, I realized that we had reached 5,000 stories in just 9 months. That translates to almost 600 unique news or opinion pieces per month after we screen out the thousands of reposts and odd environmental stories that happen to mention “Chain of Custody”. Looking back, it appears that the number of blogs and stories have been steadily growing since my May post on the new user customized RSS feeds and home page display. We were clearing about 20 stories per day back then and I know that we have gotten a lot tougher in the screening process. The eDiscovery market and the legal system that it supports has definitely been warming the recession chill of 2009.So do we expect you to read close to 30 new blogs and stories every day? Absolutely not. We tag all stories with 43 topics so that you can automatically filter out stories that are not relevant to your role or interests. Many corporate IT administrators are monitoring archiving, saas or information management stories, but could care less about new case law, law firm or practice management stories. Registered users can either filter the stories on the home page by their personal topic and/or create a custom RSS feed so that they story links automatically show up in their RSS folder every morning.

Set your Topics on My Account. Create custom RSS from RSS button.

eDiscoveryJournal continues to grow and evolve in response to your feedback. We are actively recruiting other independent experts to write original Journal entries. We have published over 130 articles in the first 9 months, launched our own series of webinars and have four new research papers in the pipeline for purchase directly from the site. eDiscoveryJournal has given us a way to monitor the daily pulse of our industry while we continue to consult with clients in the trenches. So stay tuned, get registered and look forward to new features, eDJ Experts and independent perspective.

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