Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2010-08-18 09:00:39  If you have not heard, the Nashville flooding forced the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) to relocate to Las Vegas. The conference kicks off next week and I wanted to throw out some highlights to tempt you to join us. I invite everyone to my Monday panel “Early Case Assessment: The Benefit is in the Eye of the Beholder”. Duane Lites of Jackson Walker has recruited Tom Morrisey-Purdue Pharma, Scott Cohen-Winston & Strawn, Chuck Kellner and myself to represent different perspectives and scenarios on ECA.Here are some other sessions that should rock:

  • Defensible E-Discovery Processes – Browning E. Marean III, Craig Ball, Joanne Lane, Salvatore Mancuso, William Kellermann
  • E-Discovery Economics: Cost Analysis and Reporting – Dean Kuhlmann, Michelle Mahoney, Daniel Junk, Thomas Barce,
  • Information Mapping: Finding Where the Squirrels Hide the Nuts – David Arlington, Jeffrey Franchetti, Neil Araujo, Patrick Archbold
  • Transform to Perform: Making the New Practice Management Hat Fit – Scott Cohen, Ceyda Tocsoy, Natalie Spano
  • Freedom of Information vs. Confidentiality: A Corporate Perspective – David Hill, David Rohde, Thomas Morrissey
  • Corporate Information in the Clouds – Cynthia Bateman, William Kellermann, Daryl Teshima, Vincent Catanzaro
  • LEDES – How Globalization Impacts Law Firms Working for Global Legal Departments – Jane Bennitt
  • Corporate E-Discovery Roundtable
  • Legal Holds and Preservation Orders Within the Firm – Jack Halprin, Mike Lackey
  • Meaningful Metrics to Quantify ROI for KM and Enterprise 2.0 Deployments – Charlotte Herring, Clark Cordner
  • Discovery of Challenging Sources: SharePoint, Unstructured Data, the Cloud and Beyond – Karin Roberts, Larry Briggi, Leigh Isaacs, Mary Pat Poteet
  • Records Management and Outside Counsel: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? – Gabe Martinez, John Barber, Melissa Dederer, Colin Cahill

If that is not enough to get you checking for last minute Vegas flights, join the EDRM game show and social event:Who Wants to be and eDiscovery Guru?This event was previewed at the EDRM kick-off and is hosted by the over-the-top Jason Velasco of KPMG. It features over $3000 in prizes to be given away just by showing off your eDiscovery knowledge and prove to your peers that you have what it takes to be an “eDiscovery Guru.” Several contestants will be selected at random and asked multiple choice questions including this one:“There are four (4) primary ways to transfer data from the European Union listed in the EU Privacy Directive (95/46/EC). What are they?” So come join members of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) for a fun-filled hour of entertainment, information and prizes.I am looking forward to this year’s conference and will be writing from the floor and afterward about all the new version releases and announcements that show up at these big shows. If you have not yet started budgeting, you want to consider Legal Tech New York, ARMA, ILTA and the Georgetown Advanced eDiscovery Institute.

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