Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Mikki Tomlinson. Published: 2012-12-13 06:19:03Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. I had the pleasure of participating in the last of the 2012 “Corporate Exchange” events in Los Angeles this week.  As always, the Executive Counsel Institute (ECI) put on an excellent program.

Do not let the name “Corporate Exchange” fool you into thinking the event is only for corporate eDiscovery personnel.  It is geared toward the corporate field, but the audience is made up of a diverse group of professionals – from support personnel to general counsel to service providers.  Any professional in the information governance (IG) and eDiscovery space will leave the event with tips, tricks and new perspectives.

ECI held five meetings in 2012 meetings, 4 in which participated.  No, they never get old.  Although the agenda remains the same throughout the year, each show takes on its own unique characteristics.  The lead moderators, all experts in the IG and eDiscovery field, do an excellent job at setting the stage to allow each meeting to develop its own character.   Here are some of my favorite things about the Corporate Exchange events:

  • Format.  The events are guided by lead moderators, with each panel being led by panel moderators.  The goal of the moderators is to start a dialogue – not a lecture – related to the panel topic, and there is a strict “no PowerPoint” rule. All audience members are encouraged to participate in the dialogue.
  • What happens at ECI stays at ECI.  There is a rule of confidentiality, including no live Tweeting, no attribution of quotes, etc.  This encourages open participation.
  • Organization.  There is always a good balance of corporate, law firm and service provider representatives drawn to the events.  This makes for an interesting conversation with contributions from multiple perspectives.  The layout of the room is a round-table format and there is a limit to the number of participants, which fosters a more open and comfortable setting for dialogue.

I hope to see you at one of the future Corporate Exchange events.  The first event of 2013 will be held in San Francisco on March 26-27.  Additionally, ECI is going global and has added London its list of event cities.

eDJ Group Consultant and eDiscovery Journal Contributor – Mikki Tomlinson (mikki@eDJGroupInc.com)


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