Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2013-02-13 04:00:36Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. In years past, getting back to work in the days and weeks after LegalTech New York was sometimes difficult.  The challenge was getting past the hype and big messages touted at the show and translating that into real action on the ground.  That challenge is not there this year.  Instead, we are already knee-deep in real-world projects; it is as if LTNY was not a hype machine, but rather confirmation that eDiscovery and information governance waste must be cleaned up.

eDJ’s consulting group is working on some very interesting projects at the moment.  Perhaps most interesting about these engagements is how high up Legal Hold is on the priority list.  More and more corporations seek to get their Legal Hold act together as the foundation for more effective information governance going forward.  Doing so allows for other projects – like defensible deletion – to gain steam and take off.  Speaking of defensible deletion, I am awash in data from our survey and should have the next report (or two) out before the end of February.  The next report will get into the who and what of defensible deletion (as in, who is deleting what?).

Another initiative that will eventually impact information governance is predictive coding.  What we are seeing on the ground floor is an increased thirst for real knowledge about how predictive coding works (more specifically in the legal review sense…once a number of best practices have been established in the review paradigm, they will logically flow further up in the information governance lifecycle).  To that end, eDJ has partnered with Karl Schieneman of Review Less to run Predictive Coding boot camps that will give attendees a valuable learning experience.  The focus will be on pragmatic action versus an analysis of case law.  Attendees will leave feeling ready to take on predictive coding.

In addition to the real-world action, our research activity is continuing along at a nice clip.  The next few reports on defensible deletion are forthcoming, our Predictive Coding survey continues (expect some reports with analysis of that data in March), and we are getting ready to launch a new survey later this month that will look at the “social experience” as it relates to eDiscovery.  Increasingly, social is about more than just social media – it encompasses all forms of collaboration.  Our survey will seek to understand how organizations are dealing with new forms of information when it comes to eDiscovery.

With all that is going on, it is easy to forget that LTNY was just two weeks ago.  It is looking like 2013 will be a year where we move up the eDiscovery and information governance maturity curves and that is good news for everyone.

eDiscoveryJournal Contributor and eDJ Group Lead Analyst – Barry Murphy

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