Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2012-10-23 05:00:08Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. It is not only research firms like eDJ Group that are interested in how law firms are building out eDiscovery practices. We now know of a student at John Carroll University doing a survey on this topic for a class. In an effort to help build a substantial set of data, eDJ Group is giving away a $250 gift card to a randomly selected survey participant. The survey for law firm attorneys can be found here. It’s not just about data, however – we are genuinely interested in this topic because it would seem that law firms are at a crossroads. Corporations need law firms to be thought leaders on eDiscovery at the same time as needing to control costs. Law firms need to decide if they are providers of eDiscovery services or consumers of eDiscovery services…or both.
Some law firms want to focus on the mission of practicing law while others see an opportunity to create revenue with eDiscovery practices. Which model is right? Which type of firm will achieve success? These are critical questions and the answers are only beginning to emerge. As this survey gathers data, we will report the results back to the market and get the discussion moving. It is great to see a college student interested in eDiscovery and its impact on the legal technology market. Thanks in advance for any support you are able to give this survey.