Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2011-12-15 05:55:32Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. What a year 2011 has been for the eDiscovery market. The Analysts at eDJ put our heads together and reviewed what transpired in 2011 and what kind of trends we will see in 2012. As a thank you for your support throughout the year, eDJ’s report “eDiscovery Trends: 2011 Year in Review and Forecasting 2012” is available for free download. 2011 saw trends around pragmatic ideas such as managing eDiscovery as a process and taking control of Information Governance (IG), while also hinting at forthcoming heat around “the Cloud” and predictive coding. We also saw the beginning of the rise of the “eDiscovery platform,” with vendors advertising solutions that could manage the full eDiscovery lifecycle. And, there was continued merger and acquisition (M & A) activity in the Discovery marketplace, with two acquisitions in the “bombshell” category given the premiums paid by acquirers. Symantec bought Clearwell in June, 2011 for close to $400 million (a premium of approximately 8x Clearwell’s revenues), while HP bought Autonomy for about $11 billion (a premium of more than 10x).
eDJ believes that, in 2012, the eDiscovery market will continue to see the evolution of some of the trends that began in 2011, such as the replacement of processing applications with more full-service ECA applications and eDiscovery platforms. Issues about managing eDiscovery in the cloud and for social media will gain increasing attention; solutions to address these challenges will gain mindshare in 2012. We also believe that Predictive Coding will gain steam and increased acceptance. We expect to see an abundance of case studies and real world examples that ease any concerns about the defensibility of Predictive Coding. Our free report “eDiscovery Trends: 2011 Year in Review and Forecasting 2012” looks at 8 major trends that will impact the market in 2012; here are two that eDJ sees looming:
- Continued growth of The Cloud for Information Governance and eDiscovery, but at a slow burn. There is no stopping the freight train that is the Cloud, but legal, privacy, security, and control issues will force some to apply the breaks a bit.
- Predictive Coding (or Technology Assisted Review) goes mainstream. Many organizations experimented with predictive coding in 2011. As the term Technology Assisted Review gains traction, eDJ will use the PC-TAR acronym to cover both terms. Look for some interesting case studies to emerge that allow the legal community to feel more comfortable with the defensibility and accuracy of PC-TAR. As Jason Velasco mentioned in his post yesterday, eDJ is diving into much deeper research on this subject.
eDJ is looking forward to a great 2012. Don’t forget to download your copy of the full report on the year in review and what we’re looking to see in 2012!