Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2011-02-15 08:22:55Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. Things are evolving quickly at eDiscoveryJournal.  In addition to our regular blog, syndication engine of market news, and Tech Matrix, we’ve now got five formal research reports published:

–       Enterprise Search for Discovery

–       ECA Comes Into Focus in 2011

–       The Importance of Storage in eDiscovery

–       Exchange 2010 eDiscovery Assessment

–       Defensible Collection Report

There are also now three webinars available for on-demand, free viewing:

–       Defensible Collection

–       Native Production / Redaction Debate

–       Critical Role of Archiving in Information Governance

The hope is that 2011 is a watershed year in our industry.  We plan to be there, writing about things that matter most to eDiscovery professionals.  That’s why we need your feedback on the research we have underway.  Let us know if the topics matter to you, or if there are topics we’re missing that you would like to see research on.  Our differentiator at eDJ is flexibility – we are driven by you and can quickly get answers to your questions.  Here’s a list of the topics we’re activtively working on…let us know what you think by emailing us:

–       Tackling preservation efforts by marrying process management with content lockdown

–       Analysis of the total cost of eDiscovery

–       Making information governance actionable (series of topics and reports)

–       Continued exploration of the role of archiving in eDiscovery

–       Best-of-breed vs. integrated suite for eDiscovery applications

–       eDiscovery education and certification programs

–       Autoredaction practices for large ESI productions

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