Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2012-01-27 11:23:19Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. As most of us are getting ready to brave the cold and crowds of LTNY 2012, I received sad news that Ursula Talley passed away last night while fighting recently diagnosed cancer. As the VP of Marketing for StoredIQ, Ursula was the outward face of StoredIQ and a key player in the platform’s evolution since 2007. I always enjoyed working with Ursula, first as a Symantec business partner during my Product Manager days and then later as an analyst client. I last visited with Ursula at her October StoredIQ Industry Advisory Board and was lucky enough to get there early for a talk before round table kicked off. She will be missed and I encourage everyone who knew her to raise a glass to her memory and to appreciate the relationship opportunities that our business and life presents us.
eDiscovery’s Unexpected Loss: Ursula Talley
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