Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2012-12-12 09:00:46  At the end of a year, it is always interesting to look back and analyze what happened.  The eDiscovery market in 2012 proved to be an interesting one to follow.  While there were hot topics like The Cloud, technology-assisted review (TAR) and predictive coding commanding major headlines, there were also signs of real progress in our industry.  Companies began to ask the right questions about storing data in The Cloud.  What are the discovery obligations?  Who controls the data?  How secure is the data?Case law around predictive coding evolved and, as a result, more and more organizations began experimenting with the practice.  Companies began to take information governance (IG) seriously, though they are still lacking when it comes to execution on projects.  For example, while over 60% of the respondents to our IG survey have documented legal hold processes, less than half actually track those processes.  Still, though, companies are beginning to take IG seriously, with more than half of the respondents to our defensible deletion survey indicating actual deletion is happening.To access the free eDJ Group report outlining the 2012 Year In Review, click here.eDiscoveryJournal Contributor and eDJ Group Lead Analyst – Barry Murphy

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