Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-01-06 10:00:20  I had a dream the other night where I was walking down 7th Avenue on a cold, late January afternoon.  I remember hearing the noise of the taxicabs beeping at each other in annoyance while the smell of the street vendor cooking that lamb and yellow rice dish with the red and white sauce wafted into my nose.As I walked into the Hilton lobby and pass the circular structure (What is that thing?  A fancy bench?), I run into an old friend who worked with me and we hug in fond remembrances of being in the eDiscovery trenches for many years together.   My acquaintance and I walk into the lobby lounge, and as we’re ordering a drink in that cramped corner bar, several other former co-workers walk up to us with more hugs and warm greetings.  With broad smiles and a cold drink in our hands, we update each other on our lives, careers and families while at the same time looking for a place to sit.  We ask someone at a table if anyone is using that chair, and, as we expected, the answer was “Yes, someone is using it.”  Naturally, our next stop is Bridges Lounge right by the elevator where it is easier to find a seat and even more old friends and colleagues.LegalTech NY is a magical time for me.  It’s the one time per year that we come together as an industry and share all that is going on in our respective business.  Walking around the floor always is a great time.  Some of the booths there are works of art…ok…I won’t go that far, but I have seen some creative things over the years.With that in mind, the entire eDiscoveryJournal / eDJ Group team will all be in attendance at LTNY this year.  Our schedules are getting pretty booked up, but we will make every attempt to coordinate time for business meetings, panels and analyst debriefings.  If you haven’t had a chance to schedule a time with someone from our team or if you would like someone from the team to speak on a panel, please email us to get something on the calendar.The eDiscoveryJournal / eDJ Group team will be hosting a happy hour at the Warwick Murals Lounge on January 30, 2012 from 5pm to 7pm.   If you have not RSVP’d yet, please do so at http://event.pingg.com/eDJGroupLTNYParty.  We’re expecting a great turnout and hope to see many friends there.We will be doing some on-the-spot interviews, so be prepared!!!  I will also be doing an informal contest on the most creative booths at the show, so if you see me with a camera…don’t freak out…I’m not a competitor trying to steal your IP!  The eDJ Team will cover as much of the show as possible to ensure that those unable to attend are aware of the trends and issues we uncover.See you in January!!

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