Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2010-05-04 05:16:18Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. The eDiscoveryJournal (eDJ) search and syndication engine kick started to life just three months ago at Legal Tech New York 2010. Your feedback and the increasing traffic tell us that the eDiscovery market is indeed hungry for relevant news and perspective. The eDJ engine collects 100-200 new items per weekday that we manually review and categorize. In just three months, eDJ has accumulated over 3,300 web posts covering news stories, blogs, press releases and new sites. We have published over 60 original Journal articles, keeping to our goal of a new Journal piece every day of the working week. All of this is a lot of content and so we have just added some new tools to your user profile that will enable you to what you want to hear about and how you want to receive it. Everything we create or find on the web is manually coded with 43 eDiscovery concepts.

Within your Account page, you can now select your user concepts and whether you will only see those items on the Journal page. If you are an IT manager tasked with a new Information Governance initiative, you might chose Info_management, Compliance, Corporate, Software and Collection to filter your Home page view. You can switch back and forth between your custom view and all current items without having to change your account settings. If you are the discovery specialist at your firm, then you might want to select Case_law, Rules, Discovery_Practice and Ethics. We realize that eDiscovery covers a lot of ground and we want to make it easy for you keep up without being flooded with articles and announcements that have nothing to do with your world.

On top of your new ability to filter the site items, you now have many more options as to how you want to be kept informed. We continue to tune the format of our weekly Newsletter based on your feedback. The Newsletter contains the top five headlines from the prior week’s articles, stories and blogs. If you want to be kept up to the minute, you can now subscribe to a selection of RSS feeds, including a custom feed based on your user concepts. We expect to have our email digest service online soon, which will give you the ability to get a daily or weekly complete or customized digest of headlines and links to skim through. Some of our readers already follow the headline stream on Twitter and just jump to the site when they spot something of interest.

The eDiscoveryJournal content, features and staff continue to grow and evolve. So register for your free membership to take control of your information overload and get the eDiscovery news and views that you need. We want to read your comments on hot topics and your feedback on the site to make it the best source of focused, unbiased content for our industry.

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