Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2011-06-17 08:21:03  Things couldn’t be better for me these days at eDiscovery Journal.  There is so much going on right now in the eDiscovery industry even with the annual “August Downtime” coming up in a few weeks.  I have been on the phone every day since I started work speaking with eDJ’s clients and sponsors.  The feedback on Barry and Greg has been exceptional (no surprise there) and I’m confident my move to the eDJ was a good one.One of the organizations that I’ve been working closely with over the past couple of weeks is IQPC. These are the folks that put on conferences around the globe on many different topics and industries.  I have presented as well as attended quite a few of these events over the years, and have always enjoyed the curriculum and presenters.  The good news is that eDJ and IQPC will be working together in the coming months on several of their programs.I spoke with Juliana Son from IQPC yesterday on the program she is putting together in October in Philadelphia on the electronic discovery market in the Pharma industry.  One of the points I shared with Juliana was the challenges of legacy and structured data in pharmaceutical litigation matters (as well as government investigations).  In my RenewData days, I dealt with many projects dealing with legacy media and foresaw the issues aligning the legacy data with real-time archiving systems.  There are so many IT pitfalls, but Greg and Barry can address those issues in future blogs.I suggested to Juliana that she should speak with Kevin Esposito, one of our eDJ contributors.  Kevin actually did the keynote at the first IQPC eDiscovery event in Miami many years ago when he was still with Pfizer.   It was probably the best speech I’ve ever seen and it was the result of an accident.  If I recall the tale, Kevin’s laptop crashed the night before and lost the presentation he was planning on doing.  Kevin pulled together a speech at the last minute that drew a comparison between the workings of the eDiscovery industry with the daily battle of the mob versus the feds as represented by a fictional battle between The Sopranos and the team at CSI.  For those that know Kevin, he’s from Jersey and he played the roles on both sides of the battle extremely well.  Just about everyone in the room had tears of laughter, but at the same time they were nodding their heads at the truth of it all.  It became a pretty famous speech that is still talked about in eDiscovery circles and Kevin has been asked to repeat it for a number of different venues.  If anyone has a video or audio copy of that original keynote, I have a $100 reward for you!!!I’m sure with Kevin’s assistance the IQPC Pharma event will have a world class agenda and speakers. But before that event, IQPC will be putting together a program in Houston on September 26-27 for the Oil and Gas Industry.  I haven’t had a chance to speak to the program manager for that event at the time of this blog entry, but the program and speakers look exceptional.  I encourage those dealing with eDiscovery in the Oil and Gas industry to attend.  eDJ readers receive a discount to IQPC events, so feel free to reach out to me and I’ll provide the information on registration.There are many things going on right now while I’m reviewing alternatives on expanding the eDJ brand and services.  There will be more news on that in the coming months.  I’m also in the process of taking eDJ to the “Cloud”, but details on that will have to wait until the next blog entry.

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