Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2014-04-27 20:00:00Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. 

Predictive Coding (PC), Technology Assisted Review (TAR), Auto Categorization, Social Networking, Chronological Analysis and now even Topic Modeling are all based on data engines that identify and extract patterns, exceptions and visualizations from large collections of relatively similar data sources.  The market has long lumped all of these usage cases under the Analytics label, starting back with the earliest enhanced review offerings from Attenex and Stratify back in 2001 and 2006 respectively.  Jason R. Baron and Bennett B. Borden wrote a nice law review article that lays out a good perspective on how analytics have crept into legal practice. That has clients asking eDJ to filter out the marketing buzz and tell them how other law firms and corporations are REALLY using these new toys. Thus we have created a new survey to get some solid metrics to share with our consulting clients and all of you Participating Members who have taken a survey. The goal of this research cycle is to understand how analytics are used, consumed, delivered and their benefits. Beyond the survey, I will be conducting focus interviews over the next month to get your perspective from the trenches.  So please shoot me an email if you would be willing to share your experiences, successes and challenges with cutting edge analytics.

My goal is create one or more new market categories for the eDJ Matrix to help buyer with their own solution design. I have identified at least 36 technology offerings with some kind of clustering, machine learning, data visualizations, etc. The real struggle will be grouping these systems as they apply to relevant usage cases that are driven by real pain points and ROI to justify the time/cost investment. Take a look at my initial usage case break down and I would love early feedback:

  • IG/Enterprise/In-place/Business Intelligence
    • Categorization
      • Compliance monitoring
      • Audit/Risk Analysis
      • Operations optimization
      • Retention enablement
    • Security/Investigations
  • Discovery
    • ECA/Identification/Scoping/Negotiation Support
    • Selective Preservation
    • Collection scoping
    • Processing/Filtering
      • Relevance Criteria
      • Exclusion Criteria
    • Review
      • Clustering/Grouping (accelerated review)
      • Machine Learning/TAR/Decision Propagation
      • Predictive Coding/Recommendation
      • Quality Control
      • Opposing production analysis

Even more exciting, we are expanding the Participating Member program to providers based on feedback from the eDJ Site Roadmap poll. We will generally keep consumers/provider surveys separate, but the new eDJ research consulting model enables us to leverage provider responses in our research. Our dev/testing cycle for provider participation membership should be complete by next week and we will launch the provider survey at that time. I look forward to the 15 minute focus interviews and sharing the key findings in a research paper and this blog.

Initial list of eDJ Matrix offerings with analytic functionality:

AD eDiscovery

Autonomy IDOL

Axcelerate eDiscovery

Brainspace (formerly PureDiscovery)

Case Logistix





Content Analyst

Daegis Edge

Digital Warroom


Discovery360 DataMapper


Exterro Fusion


Intella Pro









PlanetData Analytics


RDC Analytics











Greg Buckles can be reached at Greg@eDJGroupInc.com for offline comment, questions or consulting. His active research topics include mobile device discovery, the discovery impact of the cloud, Microsoft’s 2013 eDiscovery Center and multi-matter discovery. Recent consulting engagements include managing preservation during enterprise migrations, legacy tape eliminations, retention enablement and many more.

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