Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2011-02-01 20:46:35  If my first day at LegalTech2011 was a bit of a let-down, Day 2 saw enough of a recovery to make me feel better about the industry.  Don’t get me wrong – I still lament the fact that we have a long way to go.  I guess I’m just naturally impatient, when instead I should be glad that this industry keeps us all employed.  The big messages of the day were more along the pragmatic lines that I like: managing discovery as a process; taking control of information governance.  Unfortunately, the information governance messages don’t all have a lot of meat behind them.I participated in a panel on SharePoint, the cloud, and social media in eDiscovery (put on by FTI Consulting).  We had great attendance and it seemed like most people stayed until the end.  There were some good questions around searching SharePoint content and whether or not cloud providers can be directly supeoned for information.  Some great advice to the crowd from co-panelists Leigh Isaacs, Larry Briggi, and James Zucker.Had a few more vendor meetings and got the elevator pitch on what they are doing for 2011:

  • Autonomy – talking about making information more human-friendly and having the solution breadth for Power, Protect, and Promote.  The Protect element is all about eDiscovery and information governance.  The company is also pushing the chaining concept, which plays nicely with my notion of an “interface paradigm,” where a central interface to content is what’s needed for content control…not some uber-repository.
  • CommVault – pushing the information governance concept and having multiple approaches to content acquisition (doesn’t have to be through archiving; could be backup or other collection).
  • Index Engines – the company is excited about the pickup its gotten for its cloud-based tape collection.  For a low cost, customers can give Index Engines the tape and see what’s on it…that allows the customer to make decisions about what to do with the date.  Index Engines sees tape remediation as being a core component of good information governance and we agree.  It’s a core component of a defensible destruction playbook.
  • BIA – the company is pushing its Total Discovery solution that gives customers the ability to conduct aspects of preservation and collection on their own with a kind of legal supervision built in.  Nice to see more “manage eDiscovery as a process” thinking out there.
  • Trial Solutions – the company is offering more self-service online review with its new release of a self-loader – a wizard that allows customers to load data on their own.
  • ProofPoint – the company is promoting itself as a platform for business critical information.  The lead is email.  The company also announced a partnership with Clearwell for downstream ECA.
  • Exterro – the company is very serious about the management of eDiscovery as a process. The release of Fusion 4 aims to make the application as user-friendly as possible so it takes very few clicks to accomplish tasks.  There is also a push to incorporate more intelligence into the dashboards and to personalize the intelligence (e.g. for paralegals, for GCs).  Again, it’s about the process and making it easy and efficient.

On to Day 3…if my brain can process any more information.

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