Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2014-07-13 20:00:00Format, images and links may no longer function correctly.
As I have been wrapping up my briefings with analytics providers and hearing them describe their ‘differentiating features’, I have been expanding the key features to support the new market categories for the eDJ Matrix. The surveys will run for another week or two, so if you want to get access to the direct results or the report, just log in and answer seven quick questions for Participating Member access when they are published. I have conducted roughly 15 focus interviews with active consumers and service providers. This is where you learn the really interesting bits. I have another week or so of briefings and demos of the latest technology releases. I will try to put out eDJ Briefs on these sessions, but expect them to be completely focused around user workflows and differentiating functions. There could be more analytic features if someone brings me a real game changer, but I feel pretty solid on the coverage when mapped against my new buying categories. That’s right. My intent is to only create categories that align with the way real people are consuming this technology, instead of the way that marketers seem to think that you should buy it.
New eDJ Matrix Features and Descriptions
Extraction of key sentences and data elements to construct a summary description of the document. Auto summarizing
Ability to extract and present conceptual clustering for visualization, navigation, search or TAR review.
Ability to identify, group and retrieve items based on similarity or near-duplication. Can be used find similar items, cluster, deduplicate or condense iterative conversation strings.
Items can be clustered into multiple groups instead of just one category. Also called overlapping clustering.
Ability to cluster or search based on contextual elements of ESI such as time, location, participants and more.
Analysis-Event Map
Ability to reconstruct diverse facts, ESI and decisions to present an event from different perspectives in time, location and data systems.
Analysis-Machine Learning
Ability of the system to learn from user designations to create relevance criteria or be incorporated into accelerated TAR review methods. This feature can be considered a broader functionality than the Review-TAR features with upstream usage cases.
Generate profile report or facet navigation of ESI collection that gives statistical breakdown of file types, dates, owners, associated custodians, locations and other meta data facets. The profile can be static or support dynamic navigation and actions.
Please remember that there are almost 30 providers who offer some kind of analytics and it will take time for them to update their offering profiles in the Matrix now that I have expanded our system. I will be reviewing and pushing at these players before the report is published, but I have not published the new market categories as yet. Just the features to give the providers time to assess them.
Greg Buckles can be reached at Greg@eDJGroupInc.com for offline comment, questions or consulting. His active research topics include mobile device discovery, the discovery impact of the cloud, Microsoft’s 2013 eDiscovery Center and multi-matter discovery. Recent consulting engagements include managing preservation during enterprise migrations, legacy tape eliminations, retention enablement and many more.
eDJ’s monthly survey on Analytics Adoption for Consumers AND Providers is almost closed! Take it to get premium access to profiles and access to the results!