
Barry Murphy’s LegalTech Day 3 – A Positive Ending

LegalTech Day 1 was a bit disappointing, LegalTech Day 2 was an improvement, and LegalTech Day 3 left me with a much better taste in my mouth. Reflecting back on the show, there were some very positive signs for the market. Vendors reported great booth traffic and, more importantly, talk of real purchasing budgets. As the show went on, there was more real talk about managing eDiscovery as a business process and the business intelligence necessary to make process management smooth and efficient. And thankfully, there was less hype about ECA and the could this time around (though I did sense some cynicism about the fact that everyone was talking about predictive coding).

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

eDiscovery Phoenixes Rising?

Sometimes, the best buzz at an event is whispered under the radar. It even takes a couple of days for those whispers to come together, get processed by the brain, and become a coherent thought. Such is the case with LegalTech NY 2011. Now several days removed from the show and the litany of meetings over three days, some new thoughts are bubbling in my brain and I’m wondering if we are watching some eDiscovery phoenixes rise from the ashes.

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

LTNY 2011 – Buckles eDJ Briefings Take 1

In some ways I feel like I missed out on parts of Legal Tech NY 2011. My focus this year was to fit in as many roadmap briefings as possible. The sheer scale and audience focus of LTNY has forced providers to plan major product releases and announcements around the show. Product managers would ask me, “Didn’t you see our press release?” Even if I saw it, there were so many in the eDJ search queue that I could not remember them all. So instead of keynotes, sessions, panels or even the exhibition floor, I spent virtually all of my time hearing about the very latest products, features and where the providers think that eDisovery is going this year. With so many briefings, I am going to stick to short summaries and high points. There were quite a few providers who did not have a coherent message or any new functionality significant enough to mention. On with the fun.

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

LTNY 2011 – Buckles eDJ Briefings Take 2

Continuing my high level take-aways from my roadmap briefings at LegalTech NY 2011. Predictive coding was one of the hot topics at this show, but it seemed to mean something different to every provider. There is enough confusion around the issue to merit a solid research topic for eDJ in the upcoming months. I know that The eDiscovery Institute is looking to do a comparative research project on predictive coding in 2011-2012, so we can look forward to some hard numbers going into next year from them. On to the provider updates:

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

LTNY 2011 – Buckles eDJ Briefings Wrap Up

We did a lot of roadmap briefings in New York. This should wrap up the companies that I felt had something interesting to present. Wave software recently acquired the solo product, iFramework, to add legal hold notices and matter workflow to Trident. The new Wave Software Solution platform should be able to better manage and synchronize multiple sites. Wave is in line with the hold management trend that emerged at the show for platforms looking to add easy functionality. AccessData and Guidance are examples of collection platforms that have added legal hold notices to their latest releases. Returning to Wave, they continue to sell primarily to firms, but say that they are starting to make consistent sales growth to corporations. Wave is betting on the decline of Tiffs and is ‘staying native’ for the time being.

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

The eDiscoveryJournal 2011 Research Agenda

The hope is that 2011 is a watershed year in our industry. We plan to be there, writing about things that matter most to eDiscovery professionals. That’s why we need your feedback on the research we have underway. Let us know if the topics matter to you, or if there are topics we’re missing that you would like to see research on

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

Do Attachments Need To Be Produced With Email Messages?

One of the things we do as analysts is take inquiries from readers, typically either in a half hour call or via an email response. Recently, a good inquiry came in, but there was no contact information to send an answer to, so I thought it would be a good idea to answer it here (with the hope that the answer gets to the person that had the question). The question read, “If we have a corporate email solution that strips attachments from emails and replaces them with download links, what are our e-discovery responsibilities? Do we need to be able to produce the attachment, or just the email with the links?”

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

New eDiscovery Billing Codes from Ledes Committee

As eDiscovery transitions from fire drill to business process, corporations and law firms are struggling to measure and manage the time and cost associated with the EDRM lifecycle. Up to this point, we have only had ONE standardized billing code in the ABA’s Uniform Task-Based Management System (UTBMS) litigation codes, L390 Other Discovery to be exact. Last year, the Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard Oversight Committee (LEDES) reached out to the EDRM Metrics Project to participate in the formation of a revised set of new L600 series UTBMS eDiscovery billing codes. The draft code set has been posted to the LEDES site for comments until May 2nd. I highly encourage you to review the new codes and to contribute your perspective.

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

Kevin Esposito Joins eDiscoveryJournal

We are pleased to announce that independent eDiscovery counsel and consultant Kevin Esposito will now be contributing blogs as an eDJ Expert. For those of you who have enjoyed listening to his unique presentation style at conferences, EDRM Committees, Sedona and other eDiscovery gatherings, we know that you will continue to enjoy his direct and uncompromising perspective. Kevin brings with him over 12 years of eDiscovery experience, having managed the litigation support and IT infrastructure operations within global Fortune 50 corporations. While on the corporate side of the house, he became well known for his technology leadership in the logistics world and his efforts at redefining litigation support processes in the pharmaceutical industry. For the past five years, however, clients in those areas as well as the manufacturing, financial services and entertainment sectors have been quietly relying on his operational and legal guidance as an independent discovery counsel. He has forged a unique niche by helping companies and law firms to meet their joint discovery obligations by combining the talents of the client, support vendors large and small and the judicious application of many of the popular litigation support tools and technologies. He and his team have learned how to help companies safely and successfully negotiate the eDiscovery minefield through their daily contact with vendors, staffing groups and technology suppliers. He will assist our eDJ readers by providing a pragmatic view of issues large and small, both legal and personal. I have had the pleasure of partnering with Kevin on consulting engagements covering litigation system audits, RFP generation and management and eDiscovery/Records Retention lifecycle projects. He brings both operational experience and a slightly different personal focus to our blogs and research papers. Kevin can be reached here at We hope you that you enjoy his contributions.

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

A View of Corporate eDiscovery From the Trenches

One of the challenges in the eDiscovery market is the need for organizations to keep best practices to themselves. There are few organizations willing to publicly share the details of eDiscovery programs. True, one of the reasons for this is the fact that most eDiscovery programs are very immature. But, the primary reason is risk control – there is very little benefit to going public with eDiscovery practices and a lot of downside (e.g. losing the ability to argue undue burden because the whole world knows about your search capabilities). Thus, I was very happy when I found someone from a top telecomm company willing to share some lessons learned (while I can’t share name or company name, I can share some very interesting knowledge nuggets)

By |2024-01-12T16:07:38-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments
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