
LTNY 2010 Part 3 – Secret Shopping, A Failed Experiment

This year I tried an experiment in my continual quest to gather as much information from the Discovery Maze (LNTY Exhibit Halls) as possible. The experiment was a bust, but there were lessons in why and how it failed. The idea was to recruit corporate and firm managers and specialists with 5+ years experience to be ‘Secret Shoppers’ on the Exhibit Hall. This way I could try to reach more of the floor and everyone in the network would share their feedback on a set of secured web pages.

By |2024-01-12T16:08:00-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

A Call for Pricing Transparency

Migrated from Author: Greg Buckles. Published: 2010-02-16 09:00:27                  As corporate legal departments struggle to control costs, they are often shocked at the lack of transparency and standardization in eDiscovery software and service purchasing. Public corporations have long since created structured procurement processes managed by IT departments and business units. Because the legal service industry evolved from the copy and scanning providers selling [...]

By |2024-01-12T16:08:00-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

The Cloud, The Cloud Everywhere Part 2 – SaaS

While utility computing holds much promise, there are also examples of SaaS being used effectively in the eDiscovery market. EDD processors offer a web-based interface to case data. These interfaces provide varying levels of review functionality. When you think about it, hosted review has long been a staple of this market and the review platforms of vendors like CaseCentral, Kroll Ontrack, and Iron Mountain / Stratify are really SaaS applications.

By |2024-01-12T16:08:00-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

The Pricing Limbo – How Low Can You Go?

One of the topics bouncing around LTNY was the new SaaS pricing of $100/GB/year for processing, hosting and review by Houston based Sfile Technology Corporation. In this world of hidden pricing, NDA wrapped RFPs and other hide-the-ball licensing games, Sfile is publishing their upfront pricing and undercutting the current market average of $300-500/GB by a huge margin. Aside from the usual belly-aching from other processing-hosting providers, I expected that most of my corporate and firm clients would be excited about the potential downward price pressure.

By |2024-01-12T16:08:00-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

Iron Mountain Moves Into Software and Buys Mimosa Systems

The long-rumored acquisition of Mimosa Systems by Iron Mountain is now official. This acquisition holds a lot of promise, in theory - boosting Iron Mountain's ability to satisfy expanding records management requirements, giving Iron Mountain both on-premise and hosted archiving capabilities, and complementing Iron Mountain's Stratify division. But, software is new territory for Iron Mountain and while the Mimosa technology is good, the company was not able to establish itself as a truly successful software company. This one will come down to timing and sales execution.

By |2024-01-12T16:08:00-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

Fiduciary Duty From the Fringe – Consultants Part 1

Several recent blog posts and discussions on various industry listservs have raised interesting issues about the potential problems and benefits of consultants working for and with software and service providers. See John Heckman’s post ‘What is a Consultant, Anyway?’ as well as Seth Rowland’s ‘Sales vs Consulting – The Cost of Independence’ for some well developed criticisms of consultant’s who are compensated by the seller instead of the buyers. Steve Miller’s ‘What is a Consultant, Anyway? My Two Cents’ provides some counterpoints supporting vendor relationships for consultants. These opinions seem to originate from the software sales area instead of actual consulting on cases.

By |2024-01-12T16:08:00-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

Zubulake Revisited – Slaying The Ostriches

Any organization that ignores information lifecycle management from this point forward is stupid – plain and simple. To argue that eDiscovery is not a concern only categorizes an organization into the ostrich category. It’s time to get the heads out of the sand and start building out an infrastructure that supports finding and collecting potentially relevant information quickly and to manage the process for retaining and preserving this information.

By |2024-01-12T16:07:59-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

No Such Thing as Free Advice – Consultants Part 2

In Consultants Part 1, I explored the different kinds of eDiscovery related consultants and how they came to be from the mid 1990’s to today. No we can look at the ethical issues facing subject matter experts in their different roles. Lawyers, accountants and physicians and other traditional advisory experts work within a well defined framework of legal and ethical standards that define their fiduciary responsibilities to their clients. There are no such regulatory or standards bodies governing eDiscovery experts as yet. In part, this is because such consultants are expected to deliver their advice directly to counsel, who should make the final legal determination.

By |2024-01-12T16:07:59-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments

Proposed: Mandatory C.S.E. for Lawyers

On December 18, 2009, the New Jersey Supreme Court adopted Rule 1:42, which sets forth the mandatory continuing legal education requirements for New Jersey attorneys. The new Rule, which took effect on January 1, 2010, requires all attorneys practicing in the State (including judges, law [...]

By |2024-01-12T16:07:59-06:00January 12th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|0 Comments
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