Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2013-04-25 07:07:41Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. I did not have a chance to attend the Mobile Device Discovery Boot Camp that eDJ’s Greg Buckles ran recently in Los Angeles, but the feedback about the content has been excellent. Moreover, the issues covered – BYOD, mobile device usage policies, collection and preservation of mobile content, processing and production of mobile content – are some of the most asked-about topics we have here at eDJ. It seems to me that the overwhelming penetration of smartphones and mobile devices has organizations reluctantly accepting the fact that mobile device discovery is a critical need right now.
While Boot Camps can only be delivered in select cities, eDJ can bring research reports on these hot topics directly to our subscription research site so that this content is available for everyone, including those that cannot attend the events (though I do recommend that everyone try to get some in-person or phone time with Greg on these topics as he is a treasure-trove of knowledge). Greg has created the first report in a series on mobile device discovery.
This first report, “A Starting Point For Mobile Device Discovery,” explores the survey results and market research into the current impact of mobile devices on civil corporate discovery. The report is aimed at eDiscovery professionals seeking to understand the new challenges posed by these unique data sources and the general approaches for handling this new content. The next reports in this series will follow this foundation to cover BYOD policies and preservation/collection technologies and approaches.
Why should anyone care about this report? The eDiscovery industry as it exists today was born out of a need to collect, preserve, process, review, and produce electronic information that was created and stored in an increasingly distributed fashion. First, there was the birth of client-server computing that put information out on local PCs. Next, the introduction of laptop computers made this distributed information much more portable. Combine that with the advent of high-volume user-generated collaboration tools such as email and the resulting information explosion creates eDiscovery challenges that most corporations still grapple with today. Such eDiscovery challenges will only continue to grow as new forms of content gain mainstream traction and the variety of devices on which to create, store, manage, and share that content proliferate. If there is anything to be learned from the last decade of eDiscovery, it is that ignoring the challenges will only exacerbate them. One issue organizations cannot ignore is discovery of mobile device content. This report gives readers a starting point for understanding mobile device discovery and for creating plans to include it in holistic eDiscovery strategies.
This report is available either for ad hoc purchase, or for download by eDJ Research subscribers here. Click here for an abstract of the report: Corporate Discovery of Mobile Devices.
eDiscoveryJournal Contributor and Lead Analyst – Barry Murphy