Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2012-11-12 04:42:00Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. Periodically, the analysts at eDJ Group like to share perspectives on the solutions providers in the eDiscovery market. Last spring, we wondered if the winners and losers in the eDiscovery software market had already been determined. This summer, we looked at whether or not the software giants are dominating the eDiscovery market. In early December, we will do a much larger overview of eDiscovery solutions across a wider array of players.
With the launch of http://www.ediscoverymatrix.com, eDJ Group now has the ability to truly cover all eDiscovery solutions providers, be they software providers, service providers, or a combination of both. Instead of providing quarterly updates on the software and major technology providers, eDJ’s market updates will now cover every solution provider that we come across.
The eDJ Group Q4 market update will include a brief overview of each vendor, some strengths, some challenges the vendor faces, and a couple of comments that present the sum of our analysts’ perspective on the vendor. We will have a deep perspective on some vendors, while others will barely be on the radar – what we have been asked for by readers is to share what we think – positive, negative, and/or neutral. Over time, these market updates will be added into the eDiscoveryMatrix, which is currently in beta release.
For the Q4 market update in December, eDJ will cover the vendors listed below. If there are vendors you would like to see included that are not in the list, please comment on this article or email me and we will add them to this list.
CDS (Complete Discovery Source)
First Advantage Litigation Consulting
Xerox Litigation Services / Lateral Data