Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2012-12-04 04:00:25Format, images and links may no longer function correctly. Defensible deletion – everyone believes it is necessary, but is anyone actually doing it? The data is beginning to roll in. eDJ Group has been running a survey for the last few weeks on this topic. The survey will close later this month, so be sure to take it now – all respondents will get a summary of the results and have a chance to win a $250 gift card. The data so far suggests that defensible deletion will be a hot topic throughout 2013.
An overwhelming amount of respondents – 93% – believe that defensible deletion is necessary in order to manage growing volumes of digital information.
It is a foregone conclusion that not getting rid of information will lead to huge problems down the road. It begs the question, then, of if companies are actually doing defensible deletion. According to respondents, it is actually happening. More than 50% of respondents report deleting information from some systems. Few are defensibly deleting information across the enterprise.
Almost 65% of respondents report defensibly deleting email, but few other data sources garnered even a third of respondents. This points to defensible deletion as an immature practice.
With the increasing number of tools available to analyze information and determine its value, look for more and more companies to make defensible deletion a systematic process. There is no ignoring the huge amounts of useless information piled up in most organizations. There is a cost to that information beyond simply storing it – there is the potential of having to process and review it within eDiscovery. Getting rid of that information before it becomes a cost is just good business. We believe there will be more and more deletion in 2013 – and we hope it is defensible.
Don’t forget to take the survey and have your voice heard.
eDiscoveryJournal Contributor and eDJ Group Lead Analyst – Barry Murphy