Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2014-02-13 19:00:00Format, images and links may no longer function correctly.
Today is the end of an era for me; it is my last day with eDJ Group. It has been a great run working with the team here and I will truly miss it. As eDJ shifts more into a consulting business model and analyst firms struggle to remain relevant in a new information age, there is less of a market for independent research that covers the full breadth of the eDiscovery and information governance markets. As such, it is time for me to march into the sunset of my eDiscoveryJournal and eDJ Group lives.
As one adventure ends, though, a new one begins. I am very excited to announce that I will begin running product marketing and strategy at X1. The company has what I believe to be the product mix to address some of the biggest challenges companies face. Importantly, eDiscovery is only one aspect of the X1 portfolio – its products provide critical information access capabilities for knowledge workers. And, X1’s products are optimized for IT departments, as well. X1 Search 8 is easy to deploy in VDI (virtual desktop infrastructures) environments and in the cloud, where I believe is where much corporate IT infrastructure will head.
I will go into more detail on why I believe X1 can be very successful in a post next week on the X1 blog. For now, thanks for the great memories over the past 4+ years and please feel free to be in touch with anything you need.
You can reach me at my new email address bmurphy@x1.com starting next week.