ILTA Snapshot No. 1 – IPRO Allegro
At the recent ILTA 2010 conference I managed to get briefed on quite a few new product offerings. I wanted to pass along the highlights quickly to keep them timely. I may follow up some of these snapshots with full deep dives, but I will stick to the high level takeaways. Let’s get right to it.IPRO is finally taking some strides toward integrating products into a single platform that share the Eclipse database backbone. They have released an ‘Early Data Assessment’ application named Allegro built on Windows Presentation Foundation for a dynamic, better interface and a completely new processing engine. IPRO conservatively estimates 250 GB per day on a laptop or up to 750 GB on a workstation, all without exploding or copying email or file containers. IPRO sells software, not appliances, so performance will vary with your hardware. Like many recent performance claims, the devil is in the details of the test collection and hardware. Providers seem to be very concerned with ingestion performance since NUIX broke the 1 TB per day threshold.